Kendi IX.
安利一个我正在使用的梯子(2021年5月26日更新) | Kouss博客:2021-5-26 · 我的iPhone、安卓、还有两台电脑都装上了也没啥,100G 流量足够使用。 平时常开着的话,可伍设置为仅对被墙的域名使用(PAC模式)。 高级版延迟测试 线路有这些,根据流量倍率使用,一般倍率越高速度越快 ... The Atlantic [Internet]. 2023.
Publisher's Versionshadowsock手机端
I dread every time my partner leaves our home. I dread every time Sadiqa marches to the front lines of the war against COVID-19—the emergency department. I dread every time she comes home and removes her personal protective equipment.
Sadiqa is worried like a soldier in a total war, seeing so many medical providers going down, seeing so many patients going down. I am worried about her health—and my own, as someone surviving metastatic cancer. I am worried about all medical providers, all Americans who have compromised immune systems, all Americans who are infected, all Americans who are healthy and want to remain 手机shadowsock教程
Frakt A.
Race and Medicine: The Harm That Comes From Mistrust; The New Health Care. The New York Times. 2023.
Racial bias still affects many aspects of health care.
Racial discrimination has shaped so many American institutions that perhaps it should be no surprise that health care is among them. Put simply, people of color receive less care — and often worse care — than white Americans.
Reasons includes lower rates of health coverage; communication barriers; and racial stereotyping based on false beliefs.
Predictably, their health outcomes are worse than those of whites.More
Ungar L.
Not Yesterday’s Cocaine: Death Toll Rising From Tainted DrugBy Laura UngarNOVEMBER 25, 2023 REPUBLISH THIS STORY DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL . Kaiser Health News [Internet]. 2023.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
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She’d done that drug and others for about 20 years before getting sober in 2008. But things were different back shadowsock手机端
Fitbits and other wearables may not accurately track heart rates in people of color. STAT [Internet]. 2023.
Publisher's Versionshadowsock手机端
An estimated 40 million people in the United States have smartwatches or fitness trackers that can monitor their heartbeats. But some people of color may be at risk of getting inaccurate readings.
一只单身猿 | 在windows及android上配置Shadow-socks客户端:2021-3-24 · Shadow-socks是目前一款及其稳定开源翻墙工具,只要你有一台属于 自己的VPS 或者SS账号,即可畅游墙外的世界,什么Youtube和Twitter都不在话下。 先附上win及安卓ss客户端下载地址: 1、点此下载windows客户端 2、点此下载安卓客户端.
Racist Science: The Burden of Black Bodies and Minds. The Thinker: A Pan-African Quarterly for Thought Leaders [Internet]. 2023;81 :4-8.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
The point of our objection is
that this study draws on a racist
epistemological frame despite
centuries of Black radical
anticolonial activism and scholarship
produced in opposition to these
framings. The implications of this
study are that Black women bear
the burden of its findings, while
Black knowledges are debased
and erased.
Vincent Damotte1, Chao Zhao1 CL2 EW3 YL5 AM3 RK3 MMD4 5 4 4.
Multiple Measures Reveal The Value of Both Race And GeographicAncestry For Self-Identification. bioRxiv [Internet]. 2023.
Publisher's VersionAbstract
There is long-standing tension regarding whether and how to use race or geographic ancestry in biomedical research. We examined multiple self-reported measures of race and ancestry from a cohort of over 100,000 U.S. residents alongside genetic data. We found that these measures are often non-overlapping, and that no single self-reported measure alone provides a better fit to genetic ancestry than a combination including both race and geographic ancestry. We also found that patterns of reporting for race and ancestry appear to be influenced by participation in direct-to-consumer genetic ancestry testing. Our results demonstrate that there is a place for the language of both race and geographic ancestry as we seek to empower individuals to fully describe their family history in research and medicine.
One Sentence Summary Self-identification in the United States according to both racial and geographic terms best reflects genetic ancestry in individuals.